Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The Feeding/The Homefront.

ALice got her meal today, the store was out of pinky's so i found the cutest smallest mouse i could find, he was so cute running around the cage for 5-10 minutes cleaning istself getting adjusted to it's new home then it made the mistake of running in front of ALice's hide-box and bam! just like that it was over for the little fella, i got pictures of it all, i'll get them on here sometime it's pretty amazing looking.
As far as Pittsville goes (my hometown) it's still the same ole small ass town, i ran into a couple people i knew from high school, they were like "wow you changed" and i don't see how i did but it's a good thing they think so cos i'd hate to be the same kinda of person i use to be back in the day, bleh i was so nasty.And i also met my old neighbor Ed he was so drunk he was actually nice and we shot the shit for 4-5 hours in front of a fire, his daughter and son were there too, mel finally turned 18, and marcus is in 8th grade now. i kind of miss the simplier times, not really i think if i lived w/ my parents again i's be sooo fucking fat right about now it's not even funny, trying to push food on my all the time it's like mom i just had supper do i need another meal 45 minutes later? i eat once a day right now, if that. i'm not use to eating so much. and my mother telling randy to buy me beers at the brewer game, i dont even enjoy beer, i had to explain that to her 3 times this weekend. oh well, it was nice to see the parents again, they're nice people once you get past the "weirdness".


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