Friday, January 06, 2006


just like any other day...except
i might of been hired at menards*gasp* pending drug test. which is clear. so thats good. worked 51 hours this week. i hope for a decent size paycheck for once. (damn cs)
i hope she gets the ball going on having her husband type-thing take it off my hands. that's be cool.
either way the rights need to go.
furthermore..why do my roomates think i'm ghey all of a sudden? strange...just because i just got out of a relationship w/ someone makes me ghey? no not really...
hmm. tom's pregnant lady friend is smoking weed..thats healthy!
some people need help....
i.e. people that need drugs to make their lives seem better and exciting. so fucked up that people need to rely on them to make their own lives a certain way....someday peope might realize maybe if they stop...straighten their act up..evaluate themselves & see what the main root of the problem is...there wont be one *gasp!*
(lecture of the day...dont do crack...)

another group..the people that hold onto the past...i.e. looking up old friends/ex's/school buddies et all, those people are what i like to call "wontletgoers", these people usually cant let go of the past becuase it's all they might have, or want to have. because they remember a time when everything was rainbows and sausages(heaven). but as we grow up..people tend to grow apart from one another. not always. but mostly. from my past all i hold onto is...not wanting to Childs Support. i have no ways of getting around it though, not yet at least. soon as far as i know. she's signing my rights away(YES!!!!!!!!!!!)..all in all....lets all sing a camp fire song, & get perfect harmony...because although i complain about these certain groups of people. the world wouldnt be as deverse w/o them....but then again..might be less dramaful?
who knows?

i'm glad i got that off my chest. btw. my tricepts are coming along nicely..i may say so myself..and i guess i one'll touch me right now *tear* haha...i'll get better....i have no limitations.....all i can do from here on out is grow.
word .


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