Friday, December 30, 2005

as you may know...

...the grizzly bear ^
is a great and powerful predator, that should be feared and respected, and for every person the grizzly kills it plants a tree. and as you may also know the forest around the grizzly's habitat is incredibly dense.
so, you may say that the grizzly is halping out with reinforest confersation.
thank you.


recent things have happened in my life to question if i am doing the right thing for myself.
i am so sick of factory work, i need to go to school and get an education, it's a possibility if the "baby momma" would ever hold true to her word one of these days.
also, kim asked me to get out again, she's been really nice and very good to me lately and i didnt understand that...but then i thought and talked about it some more w/ her and natasha, and i guess she has unfinished buisness w/ scott, the ex-boyfriend that's not reliable i've heard. at least i have alot of things going for me that that man hasnt, oh and the fact that for the past 2 years i've been kim's constant. thats a big deal.
this man has no job, no place to live, and is on probabtion. i cannot believe kimberly could ever be tempted by a man like that. specialy w/ his track record of cheating/abusing and treating everyone around kimberly like shit. i hope kimberly reevaluates somethings.
for 1 i am trying to better myself for her, and only her.
for 2 i have never done anything to hurt her emotionally(w/o justicication i.e. arguments where shit comes out of both our mouths that we regret.) or physiclly.
all i want in a relationship is to be treated like an equal. the past weeks have been heaven and i thank her for being this way.
and now w/ this going on i'm left to wonder why isnt kimberly secure enough in our relationship that she can tell scott to go fuck himself?
now i am kind of a jealous man. but i need to know where we stand. i cannot play games. i love kimberly w/ all my heart but these games need to stop. i want to be w/ you and only you.
i cannot let jealousy cloud my judgement on this, if she is going to leave me for this type of person...what kind of person am i? i'd like to think a better one..but maybe not?
who knows.
but kimberly is a strong willed individual and will do what she pleases.
and i respect that about her. and i want her to be happy w/ her life. more importanlty than my hppiness is her's because she is my rock, w/o her i dont know what i'd sad as that is it's true. i rely on her for support as she does me i'm sure. it's a relationship it has it's times. like everyones. no one is perfect. i strive to be a perfect man for kimberly sure, but will i ever be it?
who knows!
but why now. why does scott try and contact her now? she was doing so good. i do not want her dragged down into his world again. she is too smart and important to have to drag someone around like that, like she said.....he has no future, and would just be home smoking the pot and cigs she bought sitting on the couch. because he cannot get a job. that is a sad future.

please kimberly, just tell scott "bye, we had our time and now it's over."
you have nothing to gain from him....that i know of.
let me be your past.present.future.
i am not an evil person, i am a person trying to be happy w/ my life, and trying to fix all my own mental problems and my demons haunt me alot too, but for 2 years now you've helped me out greatly. and i appreciate that. i do not want to loose you to some ex of yours looking for away out of his "miserably" life. you do not deserve that. you are no one's stepping stone into the "good" life.
do not let yourself be dragged down by your past demons. i did and it's effecting me badly now and i want to get over them. but the cunt wont go through w/ her word..175..duh. i can front 25 of that. stupid bitch. god i hate her!
anyhow.kimberly sue, i love you. i hope if you read all of this you'll feel the same w/ me too. and that you can go back to the nice/friendly/outgoing you that we all love.
btw scott cannot call at 2a.m. anymore. not cool. people sleep

good night.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


how dare someone go back on their word for the 15th time? i tell you how, not haivng the brain power to see what is right. simple as that.
and how dare that very same person make up the "fiance" bullshit. now i must dare i say..send in my mediation paperwork to get joint custody of my child. which is okay. now a days the courts favor fatherly rights. i'll win again. fucking lying ass people need to grow up.
just pisses me off to see a poor innocent child growing up w/ a psychotic bitch that won't do anything good for the kid. bleeeeeeeeeeeh.
i truly do feel sorry for her.
i pity the mother, if everyone could live in a world of ignorance like her everyone would just die of stupididty.....
anyhow, i know she's fucking around w/ me now saying "how about thursday?" and i just reply "at noon?" haha then out of no where a fiance!!! hahahaha i'm 18 and engaged hahahaha, if you're going to make up lies, make them good and believable. not so outlandish it makes everyone that reads it burst out laughing. know what i'm saying?
how dare i? h ow dare you.
you started this shit. i shall finish it w/ joint custody of my child.

thank you randy. my favourite judge for making my blog legalized.
bitches aint shit.

(not really ghetto...i live in manona..not down town madison.....)

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


i think you get the message. today in court was fun, i wasnt sure if i wanted to clal witness's or not, but i think they helped. so did my overwhelming proof of evidence to support my case, i don't see why people lie under oath though, so ridiculous, got the paper work for mediation today, get the ball rolling on joint custody, i still can't beleive that since it's been almost a month and that the "baby momma" said she sent in the paper work to sign my rights away hasnt gone through yet, strange..more lies?
i think so.
"what buisness is it of yours?!"
judge " that question is irrelevant"

"how can you call at 10 at night?"
me "free night and weekends." as if it wasnt obvious.
3rd shift? come on, you'd be at work at 10 at night, another lie? i think so. oh well not my problem anymore. i'll have 50% of my child and that'll be that. we're all so very excited over here, specially since this silly harassment suit didnt go through which means i have more evidence to back me up when this'll happen.

also the judge the honrable randy, said " i cannot stop him from posting online, theres the 1st admentmant and freedom of speech."

this is another hard fought(kinda easily fought) battle for free speech.
also i was thinking about getting my daughter a perm..that'd be cool, right?
hmm......word up
.go me.
my mother thought this was funny and pointless as well.
i wonder if the "baby momma" is angry? well it was open and shut...she might as well not of shown. sweet land of liberty. god bless america and stuff.
i love my witness's they came through for me. and didnt even have to LIE!
i think lying on a regular basis to make yourself feel better is really pathetic.

let me say this again .... i win.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


tomorrow i have a court date for something that is completely pointless, i hope she doesnt show up, and represent herself like all the other times i've gone and won my cases, so pointless to file if you never plan to show up. but then again some people are fucked up in the head.
oh well, kim and natasha are going with tomorrow, got my phone records..damn i was was 4 times, all for under a minute. good ole sprint keeps track *gasp* not to mention the recording of her original voice mail saying "hey it's me call me back...we can talk about wednesday...*sigh*..."
my god, i'm sure she still looks here too! who the hell is holding a gun against someones head? i polled people online as well
it came back:
1 person in favor of free rights, and my blog being my own personal journal.
and 99 people in favor of free rights, and my blog being my own personal journal, not to mention that no one forces anyone to look here at anytime. and that it is the own person's fault for looking at my blog and being offended because these are opinions and expressions of ones own thoughts.

after all it can't be 100% right, but most OTHER people are smart enough to realize when they fucked up and concede defeat. i saved 10 dollars for my court paper work though. JOINT CUSTODY HERE I COME.

dumb is what dumb does, and dumb does alot of things that dumb people are expected to do so dumb needs to dumb up a bit and realize they're dumb.

take it in stride. be a bigger person...wait you are bigger than me now hahaha..oy vey...i slept w/ that? *gags* it was there and easy access, wtf was i thinking?!
i was thinking when a man is horny...and theres a girl touching his penis and jus rubbin on him like a slut, fuck he's gonna fuck it. and leave it.
i hate the humane race, they've let me down so much in the last couple of years..i feel as if i owe it to myself in humiliating people on a regular basis by telling them they're stupid and have no right to be in this world because their brain function has yet to get pass a 8 yearold mental capasity, word up.

"you can't take her from me shes mine! fuck you! she's mine!"
"uh..i had the DNA test. i'm sure she's 50% mine. if shes just yours why are my rights still attached to her?"
makes any sense to you guys? not to me...
signing off, peace.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Fuck It!

you know what, this is my blog i'm not moving anywhere. just delete it off your book marks.

anyhow in response:

i want a girlfriend that doesnt belittle me infront of other people, or at all really.
i want a girlfriend that likes me for me, not the person she wishes i'd be.
i want a girlfriend that'll support whatever it is i'm doing
i want a girlfriend that has morals and convictions like myself
i want a girlfriend that has a good head on their shoulders and won't blow up or close down at the first sigh that she isnt getting her way.
i want a girlfriend that doesnt make it a daily basis to put people down.
i want a girlfriend that knows i am a human fucking being and i do have a brain, and i do have feelings, and i want to be fucking treated like an equal not some pity fuck rebound boyfriend.

we've been together off and on for 2 years, you know what i am, you know who i am, accept it.
i accept you for all of your pro's and con's. i don't want to argue about this shit anymore, you're making it way to big of a deal, i didnt know weed was such a high priority to you.
my bad.
i give up control...the 2% i had on you just give up the other 98% and we're good. and we're back in a brand new healthy relationship. none this highschool sweetheart bullshit. i'm an adult, my hobbies may not be but tHEY ARE MY HOBBIES. so do not judge me on them, judge me on my charecter and comminment to you that i have loyally served you for 2 fucking years. not once have i cheated, or done anything to hurt you behind your think about this...where would you be without me? think of the things i do for you. little or big, just think about it......because seriously you could be way worse off, and you know it.
just think about it...please....i do love you for what you are, love me for me...and not some image in your head of what i could be...because when i'm ready to become that, i will, i want to go to college, but fuck if i got child support stopping that at the moment, and damnit i'm trying..i seriously am your eyes..see what you have...forget about all the negative things....and just think about it....ok? thank you.

boy that was fun....good vent..sorry to hurt anyones feelings....or anything..but things need to be expressed!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Freedom of Speech & Opinions


also; now i had to go to the sprint store and get my phone recods for december 5th for court damn if 2 times turns into 20, magically i'm sure the phone fairies'll do something about that. der.
and returning a call isnt considered harassment.
but i'm sorry i'm going to be moving my blog to a new location where it won't be invaded by people that think the freedom of speech only includes the "lucky few"

go here if you dont know what the 1st admendment is
i'm sure for the people out there that constantly "stumble" across my blog on purpose with a gun to their head will learn something new, till then. my blog is being moved to another place, one less full of nastyness.


p.s. if you're a member of my blog i'll give you a forwarding address, or just check in w/ kimberly's blog i'm sure she'll have juicy stuff too, peace out fuckers.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


have you ever loved something so much that you'd give an arm for it?
not the expression but literally give an arm for it?
when they know they're your heart
and they know you were their armour
and you will destroy anyone that dares harm her
but what happends when karma turns right around and bites you?
and everything you stand for turns around and despites you?
what happends when you become the main source of pain?

okay, a new blog is coming soon people, it's going to be called "Baby Momma Drama" over the past several weeks kimberly and i have kept a journal of everything that was said and is being said. and we're going to be publishing it online! look forward to seeing that, some people don't realize that there are:
anyhow kimberly's coming up w/ this new blog/journal thing so it should be pretty funny.
look for that coming this winter.
peace out.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


why can't people keep to themselves and mind their own buisness? i don't get it it has nothing to do with you at all and yet you must stick your fucking ugly ass noses in my shit, disgusting, anyhow, this whole human race has let me down dramatically, i dont know where we went wrong as a species but damnit we went wrong and now i don't think we'll get out of t his slump.

also i'm moving to madison tomorrow. today is my last day of work, yay!
moving closer to the kid as well, kimberly has shown intrest in seeing and molding the child the way she sees fit, i think she'd make a better mother than the "real" mother anyday.
speaking of mothers....natasha's pregnant?! i hope she picks a cool name or decides before it's too late to do what tanya should of done and aported, because kids with kids...err shes 20ish i think..but anyhow younger people with kids end up fucking up a majority of their lives. look at tanya she lives child support check to child support check, i mean fuck 35 dollars bottles...WAAAAAAAAAIT!!! 35 dollar bottles. no i saw them they're called "nuby"s 99 cents at wal-mart...if they shop else where i suggest they stop cos they're getting ripped off...

anyhow..i hope natasha makes the right decision to her, i'd support her either way, she's an adult now after all. crazy good.